Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10924
Claimant: Ululehu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolauloa
Ahupuaa: Pupukea, Waimea
Statistics: 2516 characters 413 words
No. 10924, Uluehu, Pupukea, Oahu, January 22, 1848
N.R. 613-614v4

To the land Commissioners: I, Uluehu, am a claimant of land at Pupukea, in the mo`o of Kanao. It is bounded on the north by Lono's land, on the east by an upland, Kanawai, on the south by Nakapalau's land, on the west is a fishery for me, which adjoins my other claims [which] are: one `ili in the mo`o of Nakapalau, two `ili in the mo`o of Naipu, three `ili in the mo`o of Punahoa, four `ili in the mo`o ....

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.... a, pali Ahupohaku
Waialua, land of Nakapalau, Keoneae
Makai, Government Road
Koolaupoko, land of Lono.

Apana 2:
Mauka, road
Waialua, land of Poohina, Kalaikekee
Makai, the sea
Koolaupoko, land of Kailialoha, Kauamakaele land.

He received this land from his parents from the time of Kamehameha I and Kaahuman I. It is undisputed.

Aina, sworn, I know it is correct.

[Award 10924; R.P. 1351; Pupukea Koolauloa; 1 ap.; 4.75 Acs]