Mahele Documents

10968 Kalaaula,Kahanui,Kipa,Haalilo
Claim Number: 10968
Claimant: Wahie
Other claimant:Kalaaula,Kahanui,Kipa,Haalilo
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Lapakea
Statistics: 3346 characters 549 words
No. 10968, Wahie, Honolulu, February 8, 1848
N.R. 617-618v4

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby enter my claim for your work. Here are all the house lots: the house lot occupied by the Chinese, the house lot occupied by Keaka Koloa and Domo Menese (Henese?) - two house lots. My house and kula make up the third of my own lots. The lihi /edge/ of my land which was transferred to my punalua, /he/ wants to survey t to be a different place where his house is, where the forest grows. However, I did not give it absolutely to him. I consented to the occupancy of the house, but it was not conveyed absolutely, to be bequeathed to his keikis. The li ....

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.... are correct. The place for which there has been an objection is the house site which John Shaw had sold to Uilama, the dark foreigner. This is in section 1. William A. Jones has appeared before me and has verified John Shaw's claim in that the has received a warrant from the officers who quiet land titles, therefore, whatever has been warranted by the land officers for John Shaw is his and it should be removed from the claim of Wahie. Whatever remains is Wahie's own land.

[Award 10968; R.P. 1752; Lapakea Lahaina; ; 2 ap.; 3.1 Acs; See 10964 for Native Register and Foreign Testimony; also supplemental Board notes, document AAAC]