Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 11025
Claimant: Shaw, George
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Puako
Ili: Luaehu
Statistics: 3039 characters 525 words
No. 11025, George Shaw, Lahaina, 8 February 1848
N.R. 540-541v6

To the Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby state this claim of my wife, Maunahina, who is the heir of Piho.

This claim is at Luaehu in Lahaina, it is a house lot and a house stands there. It
was from the ali`i, Hoapili kane, and it was Hoapili who consented that Piho build a house for himself there, and he assisted in making the house.

In perhaps the year 1842, Kekauluohi took that place and the house with it, without thinking of the former consent of Hoapili k ....

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.... s daughter Maunahina. She is the heir of Piho and acquired this place at this death in 1844. Piho's interest had been from Hoapili and they both had interest in this house, however, Kekauonohi takes this place from Piho and Maunahina without just cause.

Pikanele, sworn, He has known Piho has interest in this house together with Hoapili. Pili has one half of the estate, Piho had other half as has been recorded, therefore, they have half portions on this house.

C. Kanaina's boundaries are on all sides of this house.

[No. 11025 not awarded; See also Award 11033]