Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 11062
Claimant: Kaioe
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Wainiha
Ili: Kapaloa
Statistics: 2494 characters 424 words
No. 11062, Kaioe

No. 11061, Welehu
N.R. 342-343v9

No. 11062 Kaioe
No. 11063 Kawelo

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: We hereby explain our lo`is, house lot and also kulas; however we have not properly surveyed them, but here is what we have done: We measured the length, 190 fathoms on the southeast side, and the same on the north west, 190 fathoms, and the same for all four sides of this place which we measured. It is not very good an ....

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.... kula.

Mauka and Napali by Konohiki pasture
Makai by Konohiki land
Koolau by Wainiha river.

The land had been for Kahui, he gave it to Walehu in 1842, Walehu gives it to his son, Kaioe in 1847. Kaioe has had it peacefully to the present.

Keaka, sworn, he has known this land because it had been from them (two) to Kaioe, no objections.

[Award 11062 R.P. 3918; Kapaloa Wainiha Halelea; 1 ap.; 2 Acs 3 roods 7 rods; includes 11061]