Mahele Documents

11068 Wailele, son
Claim Number: 11068
Claimant: Aimoo
Other claimant:Wailele, son
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Hanapepe
Ili: Waiulili
Statistics: 2857 characters 466 words
No. 11068, Aimoo, Hanapepe, January 20, 1848
N.R. 346-347v9

My land claim is on the island of Kauai, the Ahupua`a of Hanapepe, the `ili of Waiulili. It has been held from the time of Kaumualii to Kaehuehukaua. The Haku`ainas were:


The /taro/ land is 22 fathoms on the north, 83 fathoms on the east, 22 fathoms on the south and 83 fathoms on the west.

The kula house lot is 22 fathoms on the north, 22 fathoms on the east the four sides are alike.
The description of t ....

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.... Keaokea loi
Waimea by Hanapepe stream.

Section 2 - House lot in Waiulili ili.
Mauka by Hau trees
Wahiawa by Pali/pasture
Makai by house lot separated by a pasture
Waimea by Keokeo's loi.

Land from Kaumualii to Wailele's parents, Wailele received it after parents death, no objections.

Nuanua, sworn, Kapehenui's statement is correct. (?) 9008 - Kuahewa told us (two) that she had rejected her claim.

[Award 11068 R.P. 6932; Hanapepe Kona; 1 ap. 1 Ac 3 roods 28 rods; TMK 1-8-04 2.32 Ac]