Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 11158
Claimant: Nihiki (for Pauloa)
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Puaa, Lahaina
Statistics: 1281 characters 201 words
No. 11158, Nihiki (for Pauloa)
F.T. 80v15

Pauloa, being sworn, deposed that Nihiki's claim was drawn up and put in before Mr. Richards at Lahaina, in the year 1847.

Upai, sworn, knows the three pieces of land claimed ....

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.... akaiole, sworn, says she has heard the testimony given by the last witness, and confirms the same in full, she being the former owner of the land and gave it to claimant.

[Award 11158; R.P. 4369; Puaa Lahaina; 3 ap.; 3 roods 15 rods]