Mahele Documents

00743 Kini, wife
Claim Number: 00743
Claimant: Hailama
Other claimant:Kini, wife
Other name: Hiram
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kamakela kai, Kamakela uka
Statistics: 4230 characters 688 words
No. 743, Hailama, Honolulu, October 30, 1847
N.R. 402-403v2

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my claim for my house lot, which is in Honolulu, on the north side of the Estuary. Kahalehau has the lot on the mauka side. The land of Paele is on the north; west, Solomona Kumuhonua's place; south, the Estuary. This is an old right from the time of Kamehameha 1. Haupu was the one who lived here at that time, and when he died, it was left with Alapai,his keiki. When Alapai died, It was left to Kini, his wahine and I am Kini's kane at this time.

This lot has been peaceful until this time when we are living here, no one has objected.

It was I who fenced the lot, and an adobe house there is mine. I also have some taro patches, 1 patch at Kamakela kai in Honolulu, adj ....

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.... ilama's taro land. There are five patches further away, and one close to the house.

The stream of Kauluwela is on the Waikiki side
Kaiwi's land, toward the mountain
Puunui, Ewa and Kaha's land, toward the sea.

Kamakela is on the Waikiki side
Keaweluahi's land, toward the mountain
Halualani's land, Ewa
Kumuhonua's property, toward the sea and

Kaha, the landlord of Kamakela, had given Hailama this interest during Kinau's time. He has lived there peacefully without any objections and no one else has any interest there."

Kalei, sworn by the Bible and stated, "I have known everything about this property just as Paele has told you here."

[Award 743; 1981; Kamakela Honolulu Kona; 3 ap.; 1.28 Ac.; Hailama for Kini]