Mahele Documents

12/22/2008 10:54:29 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00750
Claimant: Mokumakuaole
Other claimant:Kaiuikui, wahine; heir
Other name: Kamokumakuaole
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Hoaeae
Ili: Koipu, Kalokoloa
Statistics: 2658 characters 431 words
No. 750, Mokumakuaole, Honolulu, September 19, 1847
N.R. 409v2

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby tell you of my claims. This is the land of Kalokoloa at Hoaeae, Ewa, Island of Oahu and it is bounded on the north by the pali, on the east by the land of Kealaiki, on the south by the land of Ka, and on the west by the land of Kaapa.
It was given me by Auakala.

F.T. 243v2
Claim 750, Mokumakuaole, 20 March [184 ....

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N.T. 300v9
No. 750, [Kamokumakuaole], Mokumakuaole (Deed) 17, January 1851
[no number listed]

I, Mokumakuaole, do hereby give forever my interest of five patches in Hoaeae to Kaiuikui, for her forever and her heirs and her own substitutes perhaps. For the truth we both pen our names.
Mokumakuaole, Kaiuikui
D.H. Kekukahiko, Hoaeae, January 14, 1851, Witness by Maakui

[Award 750; R.P. 777; Koipu Hoaehae Ewa; 1 ap.; .85 Ac.; Kamokumakuaole for Kaiwikui]