Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00019FL
Claimant: Poomanu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Alewa, Kuwili, Puunui
Statistics: 4816 characters 717 words
No. 19 F.L., Poomanu
N.R. 725v3

To the Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands: The one whose name is below, has some claims in the Fort land of Honolulu. At Alewa are six lo`i and one parcel of kula land. At Puunui are three taro lo`i. At Kuwili are twenty-one taro lo`i and one house lot. Having been directed by Honorable M. Kekuanaoa, Governor of Oahu, to enter my claims, therefore, I hereby do so. M. Kekuanaoa is the witness, with some others, when the time comes.
With thanks,
Honolulu, 19 December 1851

N.T. 263-264v10
No. 19 FL, Poomanu, Title Claims Building, 24 December 1851

Kekipi, sworn, I have seen this land of Poomanu in Kuuili ili of Honolulu, Oahu, consisting of 21 patches and a house lot in five patches.

Section 1 - 13 patches.
Mauka, Kuuili, M. Kekuanaoa's pond
Waikiki, Government pasture
Makai, Kahaokao, Keolaloa&apo ....

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.... was during the small pox epidemic in 1848 that M. Kekuanaoa had assigned me as konohiki of Puunui and I have lived there peace-fully since that time to the present. Lolo, Kama, Haa, Muimui, Imihia, Kaumaumakea, Nahoa, Kanekuapuu, Kauhiokalani, Poliukua, Makahuluhulu, Mahoe and Kuli are the tenants of Alewa.

The boundaries are of Alewa:
Mauka, Puunui, Dr. Rookes' land
Waikiki, Puunui 1, Dr. Rookes' land, Puunui 2, Nahalelauhala's land
Makai, Puunui, Dr. Rookes' and Oloku's land
Ewa, Kapalama ahupuaa.

1 lele for this Puunui, it is a pasture section (Makai) in the animal corral, "Aea."

The government has 6 patches and a pasture remaining in Alewa, the government has never taken any part of this land previously. 3 patches and a pasture in Puunui remains for the government. No part of this land has ever been taken by the government.

[No. 19 F.L. not awarded]