Mahele Documents

9/13/2010 3:00:51 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00851*O
Claimant: Hiwauli, Salai, wahine
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona, Ewa, Koolauloa
Ahupuaa: Honolulu, Waikele, Makaua, Kalihi
Ili: Kawaiahao, Papa, Kaluapulee
Statistics: 8776 characters 1328 words
No. 851*O, Salai Hiwauli, Honolulu, November 2, 1847
N.R. 475-476v2

Greetings to the Land Commissioners and W. L. Lee, the President: I hereby tell of the. House lot and the land which pertain to the claims below. H. Hewahewa is the one whose claims these are. The house lot is in Honolulu at Kawaiahao, mauka of Church Street on the Waikiki side of the two animal enclosures of the Missionaries, makai side of Kaawahua's house lot, Ewa side of H. Ukalimoa's house lot.

Said H. Hewahewa lived there from 1831, made the fence, built the houses which stand there, and then he sailed for Maui in 1837 and has lived there until now. However, the lot remains under him until the present, as he directed me and my kane to look after things and his land. The witnesses for the house lot are Kaawahua, Maalahia and Kaina.

The lands are: Makaua iki at Koolauloa, an ahupua`a from Kamehameha II; Kaluapulee, an `ili in Kalihi, from Kamehameha II to Kamaunu and he is there at this time. Papaa at Waikele, Ewa, an 'ili from Kamehameha III from 1826 until now. The land of Koanaulu which was the pond of Kalepolepo, on Maui, was to Kamaunu from Kamehameha II to the present time. The land of Kalaoa in Kona and Mahukona in Kohala was from Kamehameha I to their makuakane and it is his at this time. The land of Haleohui at the border in Kona, and Alakahi, the land in Hilo, was from Kamehameha Il to Kamaunu and is his at present. The land, also, of Elepaio, at Kahauloa in Napoopoo, Kona, was from Kamehameha III to him. Kalaiheana and John Ii are the witnesses.

F.T. 249v2
Claim 851, Salai Hiwauli, March 24 [1848]

Kaina, sworn, I know this place, which is in ....

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.... h 4 patches."

3. The boundaries of the third section are:
Kaliawa, a land toward the sea by Nahinu's land
Sam's property, toward the mountain
Apili, Waikiki.

There is no fence on this property but there are two houses, one of which is for Moanalua and the other for Kapaula. They lived under the konohiki and no one has objected to this day.

4. The boundaries of section four are:
Sam's property, oceanside
Nahinu's land, Ewa
Kaliawa, a land is toward the mountain and
Apili is Waikiki.
There is no house there and no one has objected.

5. The following is for the fifth (section),
of Sam's property, oceanside
Kaunuohua's lot, Ewa
A pili land, toward the mountain and
a creek, Waikiki.
No fence is on this property, but the land has been cultivated properly. The only house there is for Moanalua and he has lived there under the konohiki.

6. This is for the sixth
Kama's lot, toward the sea
Kalei's land, Ewa
Kaunuohua's land toward the mountain and
the creek, Waikiki.
This property has not been enclosed; however, it has been cultivated very well. This is plain land and no one has objected.

7. The seventh is as follows:
Kaunuohua's land, toward the sea
Kahauiki. Ewa
Kalei's land and Pao's land, toward the mountain and
Alika's land, Waikiki.

No other konohiki is on this land and it has no enclosure there. The land had been
for Kamehameha II and was given to Hamaunu. Hewahewa had inherited it upon Hamaunu's death and has had it in peace to this time."

See page 585

[Award 851; R.P. 3563; Kawaiahao Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .9 Ac.]