Mahele Documents

4/10/2010 9:06:14 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00859
Claimant: Kalauao
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waikele
Ili: Lihue, Pouhala, Ohua
Statistics: 2970 characters 420 words
No. 859, Kalauao
N.R. 483v2

Greetings to you all, the commissioners of the government /and/ Mr. Lee: I have a little petition to you, a small house lot /with/ two houses from Kaahumanu who gave the interest, a mo'o 'aina, 6 taro patches, and one ko`ele patch. They are at Pouhala.

There is a small Pu'uone /sand hill fishpond/ from Polunu, and on her death, held through her daughters. This claim is at Ohua. This is my thought to you, the persons who quiet titles.

F.T. 361v2
Cl. 859, Kalauo, June 26 [1848]

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.... t are:

the government road, toward the mountain
Kauliokamoa's land, Honolulu
[left blank] land, toward the sea
Pokini's land, Waianae.

2. The boundaries of the sand dune are:

Hana Haalilio's land, toward the mountain and Waianae
Kauliokamoa's land, Honolulu
Kalima's land, toward the sea.

Kalanao's pond is from Polunu given probably in the year 1836 (Kaahumanu's reign) and he has lived there in peace during the time of Poki to the present time.

[Award 859; R.P. 863; Lihue Waikele Ewa; 3 ap.; .88 Ac.]