Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00888
Claimant: Ilikealani
Other claimant:
Other name: Ilimealani
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waikele
Ili: Waipahu
Statistics: 2292 characters 377 words
No. 888, Ilikealani, Waikele, October 25, 1847
N.R. 507v2

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: This land claim is at Waipahu, Waikele, Ewa, Island of Oahu. It is bounded on the north by the land of Kanealoha, on the east by some ko'ele patches, on the south by the land of Kumauna, on the west by a Iand fence. The second of my claims, at Poiwa, in Waikele, is bounded on the north by the land o ....

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.... ndaries are:

Kanealoha's land, mauka
Kauliokamoa's land, Honolulu
Kuaana's land, makai
land lot, Waianae.

Ilimealani's land is from Kanealoha, given in the year 1836 and he is living there in peace; no one has objected."

Kaakiakiaho, sworn and said, "My testimony is the same as Niulii's (testimony)."

[Award 888, R.P. 239; Waipahu Waikele Ewa; 2 ap.; 1.28 Acs]