Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00913
Claimant: Napihe
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waikele
Ili: Kahakuohia
Statistics: 2619 characters 419 words
No. 913, Napihe, Waikele, October 23, 1847
N.R. 525-526v2

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings; I hereby tell you of my land and house claim. This land is at Kahakuohia in Waikele, Ewa, Oahu. It is bounded on the north by the land of Makue, on the east by the land of Puakea, on the south by the south by the land of Hau, on the west by a po`alima patch. My second claim is bounded on the north by the land of Kau, on the east by the land of Paniolo, on the south by ....

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Napihe's land is from Mahune which was given in the year 1845; however, this land had been for his parents in the year 1838. Keakoaluamea is the name (of the land) and his father had lived there to the year 1845, at which time he died and the land was possessed by his son, Napihe. No one had objected."

Nakeu, sworn and stated, "My testimony is the same as Kaihumana's testi-mony for Napihe's land."

[Award 913; R.P. 3081; Kahakuohia Waikele Ewa; 2 ap.; .767 Ac.]