Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00948
Claimant: Kahukikalo
Other claimant:
Other name: Kahukikolo
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kahehuna
Statistics: 3889 characters 614 words
No. 948, Kahukikalo, Kahehuna, Honolulu, Oahu, November 10, 1847
N.R. 554-555v2

The President of the Honorable Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby tell you of my claim for land at Kahehuna, Honolulu, Island of Oahu. It is bounded on the north by po`alima patch, on the east by the land of Keo and the land of Keaki, and the land of Piena, on the south by the land of Kalawahine. Keo gave me this claim.
I am, with thanks,

F.T. 281-282v2
Claim 948, Kahukikolo, 20 April [1848]

Keo, sworn, I know this place, consisting in a house lot and kalo land.

1. House lot is bounded:
Mauka by Kekino's land
Ewa by Kekono
Makai by Piena's
Waititi by district f ....

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.... ich were just stated here are not correct. The boundaries are:

Kukeahia's land, toward the mountain
government road, Waikiki
my land, Ewa and toward the sea.

Those are the boundaries of the house lot.

2. And the boundaries of the taro land are:
Kukeahi's land, toward the mountain
Keo's land and Kaunuohua's land, Waikiki
Piena's land, oceanside
Auwaiolimu and Kalawahine are on the Ewa side.

There is no fence on these two places, nor is there a house on the house lot. We are protesting the land whereon are the houses, but the land is mine and they had gone there to live just after the death of Kinau.

[Award 948; R.P. 600; Kahehuna Honolulu Kona; 2 ap.; .98 Ac.]