Mahele Documents

9/4/2011 4:19:20 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01056
Claimant: Kama
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapalama
Ili: Kumuulu
Statistics: 1928 characters 286 words
No. 1056, Kama
N.R. 613v2

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings, and the peace of God: I hereby tell you of my claim for two patches at the 'ili 'aina of Kumuula in Kapalama, adjoining Haukahoku [Kaukahoku], Island of Oahu. I lived there before the Law was enacted.

N.T. 83v10
No. 1056, Kama, 8 October 1851

Ohule, sworn, I ....

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.... , exactly as he had while he lived with the father of George Holmes during the reign of Kamehameha I.

George Holmes has agreed to these conditions, the same conditions under which Kama had lived previosuly and G. Holmes shall compensate five dollars ($5.00) for the work done by the land officers on this claim.
J.S. Nailiili, Secretary

[No. 1056 not awarded]