Mahele Documents

9/4/2011 4:20:00 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01061
Claimant: Kualaha
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapalama
Ili: Kalaepohaku
Statistics: 2122 characters 290 words
No. 1061, Kualaha
N.R. 614v2

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings and the peace of God: I, Kualaha, hereby tell you of my claims at Kalaepohaku: six patches and a stream, within Kapalama, Island of Oahu. I have occupied them for a long time. Another claim is for a house lot at Kainapuaa, adjoining Nuhelewai, Island of Oahu. I lived eight years at the house lot.

F.T. 327v2 ....

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.... sea and
Kalaloa's land, Ewa.

These are seven patches with one creek. Kualaha's land had been from Kuluiki during the time of Liholiho and he now lives there. The houselot is a very old one, it is an idle land and no one has objected."

Kaula, sworn and stated, "I have seen this property of Kualaha exactly as Kahikiola has just related here."

[No. 1061 not awarded]