Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01152
Claimant: Keone
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Waikahalulu
Statistics: 2003 characters 320 words
No. 1152, Keone
N.R. 648v2

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings; and the peace of God: I, the undersigned, hereby tell of my claim in the `ill of Waikahalulu in Honolulu, one mo`o `aina, five taro patches, on the north is Kahea's place, on the south is Kunahihi's place, on the east is the big stream, on the west is the large irrigation ditch. I also have my house lo ....

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.... thout any cost and this was in the year 1844. Kahakai had received his land from C. Kanaina and he (Kanaina) had received his land from Kalama of the king; no one had objected."

Kalili, sworn and stated, "I have seen this property exactly as Ahulani has just stated here."

See the protests of Kahaka and Kanaina for this interest.

[No. 1152 not awarded]