Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01245
Claimant: Kaneulupo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kalihi
Ili: Keauhou
Statistics: 1649 characters 263 words
No. 1245, Kaneulupo, Puuhale, Kalihi, Oahu
N.R. 36v3

Land Commissioners, House of Privy Council, Greetings to you all: I, the claimant of land, hereby tell you that I got it in 1837. It is at Keauhou, in the `ili which is cared for by Pao. On the north of my `ili is the land of Kalimaino; on the east is th ....

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.... is mauka
Kaunuohua's land, Honolulu
Ekuino's land, makai
Kahuiku's land, Kaelemakule's land and Kalimaino's land, Ewa.

I had given him the land in the year 1846; no one had objected to him. I am an overseer konohiki under Kaunuohua."

[No. 1245 not awarded]