Mahele Documents

2/18/2007 10:31:11 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01274
Claimant: Hulilau
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waikiki
Ili: Piliamoo
Statistics: 2781 characters 439 words
No. 1274, Hulilau, December 3, 1848, Waikiki, Piliamoo, Oahu
N.R. 50v3

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my lo'is and my kula and the things which I have planted, three coconut trees in my own claim, also three hala trees; those are the trees planted in my own claim, also there are two trees planted in another place. The total number of lo'i is twelve, and one kula is combined with the lo'is. The dimensions are 377 fathoms on each side. This is the size of my land claim in the 'ili of Piliamoo, a m ....

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.... makai
Kanae's land, Waimanalo
a stream, Ewa.

The place has not been enclosed. This land had been acquired by his (Hulilau) parents during the reign of Kamehameha I. Kanelaauli was the name of his parents. They died when Poki was living here. Hulilau continued to live here to the present time; no one has objected. Kekualoa is his konohiki at this time.

Aea, sworn, The statements above are true. I have known similarily (about that land).

[Award 1274; R.P. 4932; Piliamoo Waikiki Kona; 2 ap.; 6.3 Acs]