Mahele Documents

4/4/2011 2:58:03 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01371
Claimant: Pahua
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapalama
Ili: Kalaepohaku, Kainapuaa
Statistics: 2252 characters 258 words
No. 1371 Pahua
N.R. 91v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings and the peace of God: I, Pahua, hereby tell of my claims for two mo`o. One lo`i is separate, and there is also a house lot in the `ili of Kalaepohaku in Kapalama. The house lot is in the `ili of Kainapuaa, also in Kapalama, Island of Oahu.

F.T. 502v2
Cl. 1371, Pahua, 25 September, 1848

Kealiikuli, sworn, I know this land. It is in P ....

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.... >2. 8 taro patches:
Mauka, Kaukini's land
Honolulu, Kapoi's land
Makai, my place
Ewa, Nalauai's land.

He had received his land from Nalauai at the time Kinau was living and has lived comfortably to the present time without any objections.

Keliipueaina, sworn, Our testimonies are similar.

[Award 1371; R.P. 1509; Kainapuaa Kapalama Kona; 1 ap.; .2 Ac.; Kalaepohaku Kapalama Kona; 2 ap.; .72 Ac.]