Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01478
Claimant: Opunui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kaukahoku
Statistics: 3646 characters 635 words
No. 1478, Opunui
N.R. 127-128v3

To the Land Commissioners: `ili Kaukahoku, Honolulu uka. Greetings to you all. I, the undersigned, hereby tell of my claim for my fifteen lo`i situated in one place: on the south is the lo`i of Kaukaluka /Dr. Rooke?/ as far as some lo`is of Kaukaluka on the east, on the south also are the lo`is of Kaukaluka, on the west is the flowing stream, on the east is the flowing irrigation ditch. On the north of the bulrushes are fourteen lo`i in a portion of this same `ili: on the east is the flowing stream, on the west is the irrigation ditch, on the south is the lo`i of Umi, on the north is Kapaeli. I also have a small house lot: on the west of my lo`is to the top of the p ....

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.... . Opunui has always lived to the ptesent time and he has not built another enclosure. Here are the original boundaries of that property.

Mauka is Dr. Rooke
Waikiki, Kamaile's land
Makai, Kekuaiwahia
Ewa, Paulo Kanoa's land, also a precipice.

Opunui received his interest from Mahoe at the time of Kuakini in 1831 and he has lived there comfortably to the present time without objections except for the Frenchman who had protested in the year 1847.

Kamaile, sworn, Our knowledge about his interest is similar, also about the acquiring (land)the Frenchman without his approval and he had not received any compensation for the land sale.

[No. 1478 not awarded]