Mahele Documents

9/30/2016 7:53:08 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01496
Claimant: Kahue
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Pauoa
Ili: Kewalo, Kukuluaeo, Kolowalu
Statistics: 3113 characters 444 words
No. 1496, Kahue
N.R. 136v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, the undersigned, hereby tell of my land claim, of seven lo`i in the `ili of Kewalo in the Ahupua`a of Pauoa, Island of Oahu, also a house lot and two fishponds in the `ili of Kolowalu adjoining Honolulu, also a salt bed at Kukuluaeo adjoining Honolulu. That is what I have to tell you.
Kewalo, December 7, 1847

F.T. 64-65v3
Cl. 1496, Kahue, December 25, 1848

Kapala wahine, sworn, I know this land. It is in Kewalu [Kewalo] Pauoa, consisting of kalo & house lot, and two fish ponds in Kal ....

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.... iikoi.

5. 7 salt beds at Kukuluaeo:
Mauka is Kaluaoku
Waikiki and Makai, Kauhi;
Ewa, Kaopulua.

The seven patches are from Pupule given in the year 1846 and perhaps Piikoi had given Pupule his claim; however, Kahue has been comfortable to the present time with no objections. The two fish ponds at Kolowalu are from Kalei in the year 1846 and no one has objected to him. The salt beds are from Kauhi given during the tine he was alive; no one has objected at this time.

Postponed and will resume when Pupule, Piikoi, Kalei and Kauhi are present. To page 727

[No. 1496 not awarded]