Mahele Documents

6/20/2007 7:28:44 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01530
Claimant: Weuweu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kalihi
Ili: Niau II
Statistics: 3268 characters 519 words
No. 1530, Weuweu
N.R. 146-147v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: From the time that Kinopu was alive until this day on which I petition you /I have held/ my land claim at Niau II, makai of Kalihi, Island of Oahu, which is described as follows: Beginning mauka, one lo`i adjoins makai of the lo`i of Kalaauolupe, two lo`i adjoin makai of the po`alima lo`is, one lo`i adjoins makai of the lo`is of Kahau, one lo`i adjoins makai of this lo`i of mine, one lo`i of mine adjoins above these lo`is of mine. The boundaries of a group of lo`i are: on the north, the stream, on the east, the land of Kalaauolupe, on the south, the land ....

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.... , Paniani's land; Ii's
Makai, Alika's land
Ewa, Kukona's land.

4. There is a banana gulch in Niau II.
Mauka is Alika's land
Honolulu, the mountain
Makai, Kaunuohua's land
Ewa, a stream.

All of Weuweu's lands are from Kalaualu given at the time of Kamehameha I and since that time to the present, there has been peace. No one has objected.

Laanui, sworn, I have seen Weuweu's land exactly as Kalaauolupe has just related here; Kaunuohua is the konohiki of the land.

[Award 1530; R.P. 3503 & 4141; Niau Kalihi Kona; 4 ap.; 1.61 Acs]