Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01537
Claimant: Kauluhua
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kalihi
Ili: Kaliawa, Hoenui
Statistics: 3066 characters 460 words
No. 1537, Kauluhua
N.R. 149v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby tell you of my land claim at Kaliawa, an `ili in Kalihi, Island of Oahu, described as follows: One lo`i adjoins makai of the lo`i of Weuweu, two lo`i adjoin makai of the lo`i of Makalawelawe, one lo`i adjoins mauka of the lo`i of Makalawelawe, one kula adjoins on the east of the lo`is, one "sand dune" pond adjoins mauka of the "sand dune" pond of Kauhi. Claim 2. One lo`i of mine in the middle of the lo`is of Hoenui in the `ili of Kaluaopalena in Kalihi, Oahu.
Names of the Commissioners: ....

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.... ;s land
Makai, my land
Ewa, Alika's land.

Kauluhua's lands are from Kapule at the time of the battle of Kauai and he is the konohiki at the present time. He has lived there to this day in peace.

Postponed until Kapule will be here. Pg. 411.

N.T. 411v3
No. 1537, Kauluhua, from page 407, January 18

Kapule, sworn, I have seen Kauluhua's land at Kaliawa in Kalihi exactly as Kauki had related sometime ago.

Wm. Beckley is the konohiki of this land and I am the /incomplete /

[No. 1537 not awarded]