Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01550
Claimant: Kianui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Hauhaukoi I
Statistics: 3775 characters 628 words
No. 1550, Kianui, Honolulu, Oahu, December 11, 1847
N.R. 156-157v3

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my lo`is and my trees which I planted, and the house lot, described as follows: The east side is for the konohiki, the west side is for Moo, the north side is for Kahina and Kauahi, and the south side is also for the konohiki. My four lo`i are in the middle. Furthermore, on the east side is Moo, on the west side is Kuluahi, on the north side is Kahina, on the south side is Kahouiki and Kaeo. Between those places is one lo`i and the house lot and the hala and coconut trees I planted. This is my claim in the `ili of Hauhaukoi iki.
Farewell and thanks.

F.T. 88v3
Cl ....

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.... had come and stated, "My older brother, Kaheana, has taken my land interest, my house also and has filed it has his interest in the ili of Hauhaukoi I. My claim in Hauhaukoi I is from the bequest of our father, while Kaheana's own land is at Hauhaukoi II; therefore, I think it befitting that my land should be returned to me.

Kaheana, sworn, Kianui's statements are true. The house site and the house are for him and I have no rights there. I have a separate land. Today I am returning to him the house and beneath it are for him, yet I shall live there just as our parents have done, providing my young brother, Kianui, willingly consents to this.

[Award 1550; R.P. 140; Hauhaukoi Honolulu Kona; 3 ap.; .67 Ac.]