Mahele Documents

01633 widow
Claim Number: 01633
Claimant: Kaluawaa
Other claimant:widow
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waikiki
Ili: Kalaepohaku
Statistics: 3283 characters 532 words
No. 1633, Kaluawaa
N.R. 190-191v3

`Ili of Kalaepohaku, Ahupua`a of Waikiki, Island of Oahu. I have seven lo`i, two irrigation ditches, one house lot, four hala clumps. On the south are some of my lo`i and some are on the north, being Kalaepohaku, upper, and Kalaepohaku lower. That is it.
KALUAWAA X, his mark

F.T. 148v3
No. 1633, Kaluawaa, 9 October, 1849

Umu, sworn, I know this place. It is in ili of Kalaepohaku, Waititi, in 3 pieces.

1. house lot, only dry land:
Mauka is Ahukuna's lot
Waialae is Huai
Makai is Kapu's
Honolulu also.


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.... Kahaha
Honolulu, Kawelo.

Kaluawaa had received his interest from his parents who had acquired this land at the time of Kamehameha I, and when his father died during the time of Kinau, he inherited this land and he has always lived there to the present time, no one objecting.

Kapu, the konohiki, is the owner of this land.

Lehuanui, sworn, Our testimonies are the same; no one has objected.

[Margin note: Kalauwaa has returned his interest in upper Kalaepohaku to Kahaha, the konohiki, on this day, March 2, 1853. J. Kaulahao

[Award 1633; R.P. 3800; Kalaepohaku Manoa Kona; 1 ap.; .4 Ac.]