Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01636
Claimant: Haole
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waikiki
Ili: Paakea
Statistics: 2103 characters 345 words
No. 1636, Haole
N.R. 191v3

`Ili of Pakea, Ahupua`a of Waikiki, Island of Oahu. I have two lo`i, one house lot. One of the lo`i is bounded on the north by the lo`i of Poai, on the east by the lo`i of Ohipua, on the south by the lo`i of Lupino, on the west by the lo`i of Kalakoa. The other lo`i is bounded on the north by the lo`i of Luaiku, on the east by the lo`i of Kawelo, on the south by the lo ....

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.... atch and the boundaries are:
Mauka, Poai
Waialae, Kaohipua
Makai, Lukino
Honolulu, Kalakoa.

Haole received this place from Kaaha in the year 1835 during the time of Kinau and he has always lived there to the present time, no one objecting.

Umu, sworn, Our testimonies are similar; no one has objected.

[Award 1636; R.P. 5346; Kapaakea Waikiki Kona; 3 ap.; 1.27 Acs]