Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01642
Claimant: Palapa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waikiki
Ili: Piliamoo
Statistics: 1836 characters 310 words
No. 1642, Palapa
N.R. 193v3

`Ili of Piliamoo, Ahupua`a of Waikiki, Island of Oahu. I have three small lo`i, one irrigation ditch and one house lot. Two of my lo`i are on the east and one is on the west. My lo`i on the east is bounded on the north by the irrigation ditch, on the east by the lo`i of Keohuhu, on the south by the lo`i of Kailua, ....

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.... />[No.] 2. 1 taro patch:
Mauka by Koolau
Waialae byHaumea
Makai by Nakai
Honolulu by Kamanuwai.

Kanuia had given Palapa his land at the time of Kamehameha I and he has always lived there to the present. No one has objected.

Pupuawa, sworn, Our testimonies are similar. No one has objected.

[No. 1642 not awarded]