Mahele Documents

01647 Naelau, wife; heir
Claim Number: 01647
Claimant: Kekui
Other claimant:Naelau, wife; heir
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Palolo
Ili: Kokio
Statistics: 1192 characters 203 words
No. 1647, Kekui
N.R. 194v3

`Ili of Kokio, Palolo. There are five lo`i. On the east is the lo`i of Mano, on the south, the lo`i of Keau, on the west, the lo`i of Mano, on the north, the stream.


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.... 848; no one had objected. Naelau, his wife. and their two sons are his heirs.

Manae, sworn, We have known similarly. No one has objected.

[Award 1647; R.P. 2549; Kekio Palolo Kona; 1 ap.; .6 Ac.; Kekui for Kaikuaana]