Mahele Documents

01766 Aiwaiwa, wife, heir with 4 children
Claim Number: 01766
Claimant: Kaili
Other claimant:Aiwaiwa, wife, heir with 4 children
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waihee, Wailuku
Ili: Halaula 1, Papohaku, Mahoaki, Kainamu
Statistics: 3975 characters 680 words
No. 1766, Kaili, Wailuku, Dec. 15, 1847
N.R. 246v3

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claims which remain. This thought was aroused by the encouragement of the announcement in the Elele, therefore, here are these claims. A small land at Waihee, named Kainamu, which is makai of the church, and the lo`is of Pahalepaka, lt is to their east. Witness: Naleipuleho, Z. Kaauwai. The time it was separated: 1843.

Here is something: a small pond at Makuaka, makai of the stream. Witness: Naleipuleho, Laeohia.

Here is something: Some lo`is at Wailuku: At Papohaku are nineteen lo`i and a kula, at Halaula is one lo`i, at Puako is one lo`i, at Umieu are eighty-seven lo`i, at Iao is one lo`i, at Kalua is one lo`i, at Kapaiki are ninetee ....

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.... Kawaha
Makai by Puaana
M. (Maalaea?) by Naleipuleho.

Kaupa, sworn, I know the two parcels of Kaili which remaln. Parcel 4 is one lo`i at Puako, Wailuku. Parcel 5 is six lo`i at Umieu `Ili in Wailuku. Parcel 4 was from me in 1845. Parcel 5 was from Naililii at the same time. There is no opposition.

No. 4 is bounded: on all sides by my land.

No. 5 is bounded:
Mauka and Waihee by Mauhili
Makai by I. Napela H. /Hawaii/
Maalaea by Wailuku Stream.

Kaai, sworn, I know of one lo`i in Kalua `Ili in Wailuku, which is Parcel 6. It was from Batimea in 1836. There is no opposition.

No. 6. is bounded:
Mauka by Ohulo
Waihee by myself
Makai by Ohule
Maalaea by Maaha.

[No. 1766 not awarded]