Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01841
Claimant: Naehu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Wailupe
Ili: Kahiki
Statistics: 2437 characters 396 words
No. 1841, Naehu
N.R. 274v3

`Ili of Kahiki, Wailupe, Oahu. Five sections of sweet potato, one house lot, two orange /trees/.

F.T. 205v3
No. 1841, Naehu

Kama, sworn, I know this land in Kahiki, Wailupe, potato land, 7 fields in one lot, no house nor fence.

Mauka is the pali
Niu, Kahai's
Makai, sea
Waititi, Naueli.

Claimant had this from Kamaka in time of Kaahumanu I, a ....

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.... >Kama, sworn, I have seen his land at Kaiku in Wailupe.

7 taro patches:
Mauka, a precipice
Niu, Kahai
Makai, a beach
Waikiki, Nanele.

Kamaha had given him his land during the time of Kaahumanu and he has continuously lived there to this time; no one has objected.

Nawai, sworn, Our testimonies are similar; no objections.

[Award 1841; R.P. 2420; Kaiki Wailupe Kona; 4 ap.; 7.99 Acs; Kapuukolea Wailupe Kona; 1 ap.; .69 Ac.]