Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01914
Claimant: Paele
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Statistics: 1878 characters 308 words
No. 1914, Paele
N.R. 296v3

A claim for house in the lot adjoining just behind the lot of Paniani consisting of some house claims which are my own.
Honolulu, 22 December 1847

F.T. 225v3
Cl. 1914, Paele

Panaiumi, sworn, This is a house lot in Honolulu. There are 4 houses, 2 are Paele's, 1 Kama ....

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.... e to 1845. Kahanu had been protesting. Finally, he took this interest and without my knowledge sold it to Alull while I was on Kauai. When this had happened, I was driven away, and Liholiho died I have been driven out without provocation and have been living away for a year.

A document of certification has been awarded to Kahanu.

[No. 1914 not awarded]