Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01924*O
Claimant: Kealohapauole
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Manoa
Ili: Kaualaa
Statistics: 2640 characters 404 words
No. 1924*O, Kealohapauole, Honolulu
N.R. 298-299v3

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby explain my claim: The Mo`i was above and my makuakane, who was Keoki, district caretaker, was below him; on his death it was bequeathed to me until this time. There are three lo`i on the west and north and four on the east There is a house lot on the south
Kaualaa, Manoa

F.T. 271v3
No. 1924, Kealohapauole

Kailialio, sworn, I know this land.


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.... Kaaipio ili.

Keoki, Kealohapauole's grandfather had given him his land. He /grandfather/ had received it from Poki in the year 1824 and he had always lived there. No one had objected.
These are land grants from the king during the Mahele in the year 1848.

2 Kaulaa, Manoa ili, Waikiki.
2 Pahaaloa, Hilo ili, Hawaii.

See the book of the Political Ministry, John Young in his office.

[Award 1924; R.P. 5369; Kaneloa Manoa Kona; 2 ap.; 0.91 Acs; Hawaii claim not awarded]