Mahele Documents

7/13/2010 4:41:30 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01935
Claimant: Puuwaewaea/Puuwaewae
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Manoa
Ili: Kamamakoaha, Hamamo
Statistics: 1916 characters 278 words
No. 1935, Puuwaewae
N.R. 301v3

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby explain my claim: Luaapana is above and Napai is under him, and I am under Napai. I have eight lo`i.
Kamamakoaha, Manoa
PUUWAIWAE X, his mark

F.T. 229-230v3
Cl. 1935, Puuwaewae

Kanakaokai, sworn, this land is in Hamano, Manoa, kalo land - 7 patches only.


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.... left the place. Kaauwai had taken the land because Puuwaewae had gone to Hawaii and had stayed away for five months. He had left the food plants growing and upon his return the konohiki had sold the produce for money. Kaiahua is the name of the konohiki.

Postponed until another witness is found.

[Award 1935; R.P. 2583; Hamamakowaha Manoa Kona; .45 Ac.]