Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01939
Claimant: Hipa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Manoa
Ili: Puulena
Statistics: 3469 characters 582 words
No. 1939, Hipa
N.R. 302v3

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby explain my claim: Palimoo is above and I am under him. I have six lo`i on the east, planted orange and lemon trees and a hala grove.
HIPA X, his mark
Puulena, Manoa

F.T. 228-229v3
Cl. 1939, Hipa

Aiia, sworn, this land is in Pulena, Manoa, 6 kalo patches, kula, no house.

Mauka, Kaukaha
Waialae, Kaanaana
Makai, Palemoo & Honolulu.

Claimant had this from Kaunohua in time of Kekauluohi, and has held it ever since undisputed.

Kaiwi, sworn, confirmed the above.

N.T. 556v3
No. 1939, Hipa, ....

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.... s patch, this patch was not a poalima.

Kalua, sworn, I have lived on this land, this patch had food for the konohiki, Kaunuohua. I prepared and delivered it to her on Maui. When this harvest had been exhausted, I did the planting of this patch with Kuapuu planting one half of the patch. When settlements were made for the poalimas, this patch was discovered as a poalima. Then it was given to Hipa by Kuapuu's request the marriage of Moehonua with Kaunuohua, probably in 1843, and it was agreed that the food would be shared with the chief. I have known the patch was a poalima, I have worked with my hands but I did not see Kohe do any work.

[No. 1939 not awarded]