Mahele Documents

00058FL Mahuka opposes
Claim Number: 00058FL
Claimant: Kupapaulu
Other claimant:Mahuka opposes
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kalokohonu
Statistics: 1570 characters 253 words
No. 58 F.L., Kupapaulu, December 16, 1851
N.R. 743v3

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my house lot claim at Kalokohonu, Honolulu. I got this place from M. Kekuanaoa in the year 1839 and surrounded it with a fence and have lived peacefully until this time when Mahuka is ob ....

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.... Kekuanaoa had also given a koele land but his was taken and given to Mahuka. This koele patch was close to Kamahalo's patch at Kahawai. Kupapaulu was silent on this issue.

Ulu, sworn, I have known this place belonging to Kupapaulu in the same way as Hakalaau.

[No. 58 F.L. not awarded]