Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 01997
Claimant: Napahi, Iopa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waikiki
Ili: Kamooiki
Statistics: 2103 characters 320 words
No. 1997, Iopa Napahi, November 5, 1847
N.R. 318v3

Hear Ye, O Land Commissioners: I hereby state to you my claim for four lo`i and one kula mo`o, which have been lost to Wailehua. The tax offi-cer worked on it previously and it was not decided for him. Therefore, Wailehua petitioned again to the governor, who awarded it to Wailehua, and my lo`is were lost, without explanation that /although/ the ....

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.... lulu, Wailehua's land.

3. 8 taro patches:
Mauka, Kaiwi's land
Waialae, Kealoha's land
Makai, Wailehua's land
Honolulu, Kekukahiko's land.

Kahanaumaikai had given him his land during the time of Kamehameha II and life has been comfortable; no objection.

Keiki, sworn, Our testimonies are similar; no objection.

[No. 1997 not awarded]