Mahele Documents

02021 Kamoomoku, wahine; wife
Claim Number: 02021
Claimant: Palakiko
Other claimant:Kamoomoku, wahine; wife
Other name: Kamoonohu
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Mananaiki
Ili: Kalanihale
Statistics: 2823 characters 487 words
No. 2021, Palakiko, Honolulu, Oahu, December 24, 1847
N.R. 326-327v3

Greetings to the Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands: In accordance with the Law and the announce-ment of the Commissioners, placed where it can be widely seen by the claimants:

I am one who thinks that I have a little claim on the land of the Ali`i as a tenant, because of my work with my strength, having given my own personal revenue to the improvement of that place. I have six lo`i at Mananaiki in a land called Kalanihale. I was settled in that plac ....

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Kaihu, sworn, I have seen his land at the Ahupuaa of Mananaiki in the ili land of Kalanihale of Ewa.

6 taro patches and a pasture, 1 house:
Mauka, Aikake, Harbottle
Honolulu, Puuiki's land
Makai, the river
Waianae, Pehu's land.

Kamoonohu had given him his land in 1856. Kamoonohu had received it from Keaniani, who had acquired it in 1835 or previous to that. The yield of the land which had been cultivated by this man has been consumed by the men of the foreigners.

[No. 2021 not awarded]