Mahele Documents

02167 Kaneikahiki, mother; heir
Claim Number: 02167
Claimant: Keaweakaahu
Other claimant:Kaneikahiki, mother; heir
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolaupoko, Kona
Ahupuaa: Kahaluu, Honolulu
Ili: Kukaihala, Kuhaikala, Kauluwela
Statistics: 1612 characters 263 words
No. 2167, Keaweakaahu
N.R. 382v3

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings and thanks: We, the ones whose names are below, claim lands at Kahaluu, District 4, Island of Oahu, which were from Kamehameha III. Kukaihala, 13 lo`i, 1 kula.

F.T. 140v14
Helu 2167, ....

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.... e year 1839 or about that time and has had it in peace to the time of his death in the year 1848. His mother, Kaneikahiki, is his heir.

Mao, sworn says the above testimony is true.

[Award 2167; R.P. 1544; 2293; Kauluwela Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; 1.21 Acs; Kuheakala Kahaluu Koolaupoko; 3 ap.; 2.996 Acs]