Mahele Documents

02214 Kahuelaau, wife
Claim Number: 02214
Claimant: Kaipuipui
Other claimant:Kahuelaau, wife
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Manoa
Ili: Kawailele,
Statistics: 1632 characters 264 words
No. 2214, Kapuipui
N.R. 401v3

`Ili of Kawailele, Manoa. I have 4 lo`i, 1 kula. On the north is the kula of Paliani, on the east is the lo`i of Kanahele, on the south is Kaualoa, on the west is the lo`i of Wahahee.

N.T. 306v10
2214 Kapuipui - He is in Waipahu, ....

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.... d given him this land Just after
the arrival of T. Haalilio's corpse in 1845. They lived there continuously to 1849, then Paniani, the general konohiki took this land and since that time to the present, a foreigner has had it they have been living in Waialua since 1849 to this day.

[No. 2214 not awarded]