Mahele Documents

8/28/2011 8:00:32 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00078
Claimant: Kahonu
Other claimant:Kauwaina, G.
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kikihale
Statistics: 3449 characters 516 words
No. 78, Nakahonu, claimant
F.R. 90v1

2 documents copied in native Register, page 90

N.R. 90-91v1
No. 78, Kahonu, Honolulu, June 17, 1846

I have done the measurements of all sides of my house lot, and give the sketch herewith


North side 54 fathoms
East side 50 fathoms
South side 14 fathoms
West side 66 fathoms

In the time of the battle of Nuuanu Kaiwi, the former owner of this house lot was livingIng at Kikihale, and while he was living he bequeathed his house lot to his keiki, Makulu. This was the time called Ka Lukini /the time of the Russians/.When Kaiwi died, Makulu lived there, and he died at ....

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.... ;s interest?
By Makulu, his father. When Kaiwi died, Makulu, Kahonu's father, received the land which he had received from Kamehameha I and Kaiwi had lived here in Nuuanu.

What is enclosed with fence at that time?
Kaiwi had a wooden fence.

Makulu is the only one with interest in this place, also this Russian here. I saw a great many people living on that place.

When was this place enclosed?
There was no fence; it was just left open.

It was approved to have Kalanikahua survey so the title of that and this person be clear, also that the names of those persons who reject Kahonu's claim may be recorded.

[No. 78 not awarded]