Mahele Documents

00087 Kaukaliu, Kalauomano, Poea
Claim Number: 00087
Claimant: Kuluhinu
Other claimant:Kaukaliu, Kalauomano, Poea
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Maunakea St.
Statistics: 2496 characters 428 words
No. 87, Kaluhinu, wahine, claimant
F.R. 94v1

Document copied in Native Register, Page 95

N.R. 95v1
No. 37!, Kuluhina

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I am telling you of my house lot at Kaumakapili, Honolulu.

The explanation is this: this place formerly was unused - there were no house lots or houses or any person living here formerly. Therefore Paele, seeing it was separate, built his house and a fence after the hous ....

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.... and returned after her death. He had problems, therefore, there was a sale with Kuluhinu for twenty dollars. Kuluhinu lived on that property with all of Paele's belongings until the road was dug and some other sections of the land were broken. This person (here) built a house and had lived there until her husband returned from Tahiti and paid Paele an additional twenty dollars which totaled a sum of forty dollars.

[Award 87; R.P. 2002; Maunakea St. Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .08 Ac.]