Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 02613
Claimant: Pepeiao
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waiehu
Ili: Ohia
Statistics: 2627 characters 432 words
No. 2613, Pepeiao
N.R. 4v6

In the `Ili of Waiehu on Maui.
To the Land Commissioners: Here is my claim for some lo`i and another place in the `Ili of Ohia. The boundary on the north is the land of Pepehi, on the east is the land of Pulehupo, on the south is a stream, on the west is the land of Paaea. I am the landlord of an `Ili under the konohiki. It was from my makuas; they are dead, and my occupancy continues from them until this year of 1847.

In some other `Ilis are some lo`i an ....

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Maalaea by Waiehu stream.

Section 2 - 5 patches and pasture at Kuhimana.
Mauka by Pepe's land
Waihee by Baisa Kamana
Makai by Ahikuli stream
Maalaea by Kalili.

Section 3 - 3 patches and [?] Kapoinonui.
Mauka by Paaoao
Remaining sides by Kamahiai's land.

Section 4 - 9 patches at Kumuuiliuili.
Makai and Maalaea by Makanui
Mauka by Makanui
Waihee by Waiehu stream.

[Award 2613; R.P. 6090; Ohiaiki Waiehu; 1 ap.; 2.06 Acs]