Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 02652
Claimant: Napuupahoehoe, Jovela
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Lahaina
Statistics: 2191 characters 369 words
No. 2652, Jovela Napuupahoehoe, Lahaina, Maui, December 8, 1847
N.R. 11-12v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claim for a house lot at Puehuehu in Lahaina. It is bounded north by the lot of Lipi, east by the Government Road, south by the lot of Keahilele, west by the seashore.

This is an ancient right; in the time of Kailihahuma of Lahaina I began to visit and stay here with Nawa ....

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.... the entire lot and built a house. Napuupahoehoe was opposed by Kaumaea, however, Napuupahoehoe had lived there a long time. Therefore he was found with that house lot, is number 6428 - Kaumaea. It is known only now that Kaumaea had opposed Napuupahoehoe.

John R. [Richardson], sworn, these things as spoken by Kaauwai are true, they are that way.

SEE page 659, Volume 9 [No. 5780B]

[No 2652 not awarded]