Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 02698
Claimant: Waanui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolauloa
Ahupuaa: Kahuku, Ulupahupahu
Ili: Oio
Statistics: 1464 characters 245 words
No. 2698, Waanui, Ulupehupehu, Oahu, January 5, 1848
N.R. 595-596v3

To the Land Commissioners, respectful greetings: I, Waanui, hereby state my claim for land at Kahuku. The name of the mo`o is Puaakea, and I have two lo`i. On the north is Lokea's, on the east is K ....

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.... tch of noni in that land, which is bounded on all sides by the Konohiki.

(Claimant says he has no land now in Oio). He has held the land in Kahuku for over ten years.

The Konohiki consented to this claim.

[Award 2698; R.P. 340; Kahuku Koolauloa; 3 ap. .75 Ac.]