Mahele Documents

02713 Kaehu
Claim Number: 02713
Claimant: Hapee
Other claimant:Kaehu
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kaalaalalo
Statistics: 2405 characters 429 words
No. 2713, Hapee, Kaalaalalo, Honolulu, January 10, 1848
N.R. 600-601v3

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claim at Kaalaalalo. There are some taro lo`i and a house site also.

I am living there and until this day no one has opposed it, and since I believe I have a right, therefore I am telling you this to secure an award for myself.
I am, with regards,

F.T. 287-288v3
No. 2713, Hap ....

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.... ully to 1848; no one had objected, but he sold this land to Kaehu for $35.00, $15 of which was in cash and $20 in personal property and I have seen him and his wife write their names on the sale document. I have written my name also as a witness to that sale. I have known that land and the map by A. F. Turner is true. Kaehu has lived peacefully to the present time. No one has objected.

[Award 2713; R.P. 86; Kaalaalalo Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .42 Ac.; Hapee for Kaehu]