Mahele Documents

02886 Haaheo, wife; Kea, Hosea
Claim Number: 02886
Claimant: Kahula
Other claimant:Haaheo, wife; Kea, Hosea
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Paalaa
Ili: Waikaalulu
Statistics: 3304 characters 580 words
No. 2886, Kahula, Waialua, January 6, 1848
N.R. 678v3

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kahula, have a kihapai at Paalaa in Waialua, named Kahui, which is bounded on the north by Laanui's /land/, on the south by Kea's /land/, on the east by kula, on the west by a stream. The second of the lands is Kula, bounded on the north, south and east by a kula, on the west by my taro land. My claim to the land is from the time of Namahana. The makuas are dead, and my wahine inherited this land. Therefore, I desire that you award this land to me.

N.T. 749-750v3
No. 2886, Kahula, Honolulu March 4, ....

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.... e from this day henceforth. No one has objected to this claim and she will settle the affairs of this interest with the land commissioners and hear the decisions passed by them.

I hereby convey all of my interest to Hosea Kea by this document and in truth I raise my hand and write my name in Waialua, Oahu, on this second day of 1850.
I have consented, Haaheo X, the wife
We both have seen this document and Kahula's signature on the night of the 2nd day of May, 1850.
I.L. Naliilii, I.L. Nakahuahale

[Award 2886; R.P. 629; Waikaalulu Paalaa Waialua; 1 ap.; 1.35 Acs; Kahula for Kea]