Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03124
Claimant: Charlton, Richard
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu, Manoa
Ili: Fort St., Wailele
Statistics: 3119 characters 530 words
No. 3124, RichardCharlton, [and] 3125, J.B. Defiennes, attorney
F.R. 164v2

To the Honorable Board of Commissioners, &c. &c.
No. 1. I, as attorney for Richard Charlton lay claim to the land and premises situated in Honolulu, ore particularly known by the name of Charlton's premises adjoining the premises lately occupied by Francis John Greewway on the one end; by the premises now occupied by Honorable Hudson Bay Company, agents on east side; and by the street opposite the Honolulu house leading from said house to the water side on the west side; as also to the wharf opp ....

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.... , Boki gave him permission to erect a wharf or wharves.

In the written grant, no mention is made of the privilege of native vessels coming along side of this wharf nor do I believe any such arrangement ever was made. Mr. Skinner holds a lease from Charlton, of the premises, incuding the wharft. This lease has not not yet expired.

James Robinson, explained the extent of their claim to the land adjoining. Skinner & Co.'s store premises - the outer line is to start from the corner of the blacksmith's shop & run directly to the corner of their wharf.

[No. 3124 not awarded]