Mahele Documents

8/26/2006 11:46:46 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 03326
Claimant: Wahapuu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Koloa, Hikina
Ili: Kaluaalamiki, Kailiili, Kikiaola, Pohakuomakali
Statistics: 3414 characters 525 words
No. 3326, Wahapuu, Koloa, Kauai, January 12, 1848
N.R. 35v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state to you my claim for land. I, Wahapuu, a Hawaiian subject, living at Koloa, island of Kauai, have 4 lo'i; also, in another place I have a cultivated place and a kula planted in sugar cane, and a claim at Pohakuo-makalii. Those are my claims.
A respectful farewell to you,

F.T. 20v13
No. 3326, Wahapuu, 2nd Claim

Kaanaana, sworn, says I know the Claimant's land. It is in "Koloa Hikina."

No. 1 is one loi ai and three dry lois in the ili of Kaluaalamiki.


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.... i
Makai by Pohakuomakalii ili
Hanapepe by Puahehu kula.

Section 4
Mauka by Kaawamaikai's land
Puna by Kapalaalaea's land
Makai by Niihau Puokahoku's kula
Hanapepe by Kapuahehu ili.

Section 5
Mauka by kula area
Puna by Waiohai kula
Makai by seashore
Hanapepe by Milohae ili.

This land came from Kaokanu during the time of Kaahumanu in 1845. No one had any objections to the present time.

(crossed out: Laaunui, sworn: I have seen the testimony)

[Award 3326; R.P. 4187; Kaluaalamiki Koloa Kona; 1 ap.; 2 roods 8 rods; Kikiaola Koloa Kona; 1 ap.; 2 roods 16 rods]