Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03408B
Claimant: Puhaole
Other claimant:
Other name: Haole
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Niumalu
Ili: Puali or Kapuali
Statistics: 2240 characters 371 words
No. 3408B, Pukaole, Claimant
F.T. 207-208v13

S. Kahookiu, witness, sworn, says, I wrote the Kuleana of Pukaole and it was put into the package of letters and sent to Oahu.

Elisai, sworn, says, I know that Kahookui wrote the Kuleana of Claimant. I dictated while he wrote & his testimony is true. I know the land of Claimant. It is all in Niumalu and it lies in two pieces as follows:

No. 1 contains sev ....

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Koolau by Niumalu stream
Makai by Konohiki loi
Kona by Konohiki pasture.

Land from Holoumoku at the time of Kauonohi, no one objected.

Keawe, sworn, he has seen the land and the house lot and he has heard the statements of Elisai from the beginning to the end.

[Award 3408B; R.P. 4161; Puali Niumalu Puna; 2 ap.; 1 Ac 1 rood 30 rods; Number from numerical index is 3408N; R.P. lists number as 3408B]